This past weekend I had plans all weekend long, and I thought, man I am going to be exhausted on Monday. Friday was dinner plans with my wife for our anniversary, Saturday was painting a few rooms in our house, Saturday night was a meet up with my cousin to go see some old friends play live and then Sunday was church and errands with my daughters. After a long workweek, I really was dreading the fact that I wasn’t going to get much down time.
Surprise, I think I just had one of the best weekends of my life, and overall it wasn’t about earth shattering or world changing events. It was all about the simple pleasure of conversation and companionship. It was about just being.
We all strive for something more in our lives, and too often we overlook the fact that our joy and happiness is already there in our lives, staring us in the face.
On Friday, a last minute idea to go out for our anniversary at The River Grill on the Newburgh waterfront turned into a very romantic dinner. I chose this location, because they themselves started in 2000, just like Dawn and I.
The food, atmosphere and company were perfect. We ate hearty and talked openly about many things. It felt connecting. It was more than a meal, it was an affirmation that we were still amazing partners.
The night ended with the two of us focused on each other, we belonged together.
Saturday was a day of painting and old friends. The painting was for my youngest daughters room, as well as our bathroom and hallway. My wife’s wanted new colors for awhile, so we worked together as a family and knocked out the project. Hard work and focus has given her what she was looking for. I was satisfied with the knowledge that we did something that made brought a smile and sense of newness to our house.
In the evening, my cousin and I went to see some old friend and his band play locally. As much as an excuse to enjoy the band, as it was to talk to a man that has been like a brother for me our whole lives, we had a great time. Again, connection.
The band, Corroded Root, fronted by our old friend, Mike Charter, sang a barrage of heavy metal classics, from Maiden to Dio, Metallica to Pantera. We met up with old friends as well. It was a fantastic backdrop to being able to spend time with one of the few people on this planet that I can be unfiltered with.
On Sunday, I woke up (a little later due to the late evening), went to church and ran the errands I had with my daughters. Of course I opted to bring them out for lunch and we had one of our little threesomes favorites, 5 Guys. A good burger and great company. Again a connection, this time with my daughters.
We ended by coming home and enjoying Star Wars: The Force Awakens and I had the joy of seeing them (at first begrudgingly) enjoy this great picture.
I know this seems like I’m just sharing what happened in my life this weekend, and I guess I am to some degree. I want to stress though that at the end of this weekend, I FEEL like I have strengthened my relationships, and FEEL more satisfied in these small accomplishments than I have in a long time.
Thank you weekend, for reminding me and giving me the perspective on why life is to be lived.
Oh yeah, and bonus, in the parking lot on the way out from our errands, we got to see some woman, dressed as Michael Jackson, dancing up a storm. A strange yet enjoyable odd site!
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